Looks like the blog has been suffering a bit, but that's because I've been too busy making music! So here's a post before the year ends... On December 8th I was invited to sing with Matt Morgan and the Mayday (minus Matt Morgan) at the Great Gulf Homes Holiday Party at the Liberty Grand. Felt like I was cheating on my band, but it was worth every second, even met a fellow Morra in the crowd. I love doing these types of shows, the audience is always so appreciative.

To end, I'd like to wish everyone a gentler, kinder, more generous 2017. May we slow down enough to realize that we need so much less than we want, and that others need so much more than they have. May we be more respectful towards our planet, towards our fellow citizens, and to all life forms. Please spay-neuter your pets. 

Paix et amour. xojo
